
of your business


Commercial contract law

As part of our practice, we draft, review and negotiate commercial contracts and agreements. We have broad experience in drafting contracts and agreements underlying domestic and international transactions.

We assist our Clients in negotiations with their business partners. We advise on optimum solutions safeguarding the interests of the entity we represent.

Our services

  • we draft, review and negotiate commercial contracts and agreements (including sale agreements, contracts for specific work, lease and tenancy agreements)
  • we draft and review model agreements, including those used by businesses in consumer transactions
  • we advise on how to secure transactions against the debtor insolvency risk
  • we assert claims arising under the agreement
What we offer
in all matters related to commercial contracts and agreements, please do not hesitate to contact

Julia Przeniczna, Attorney

+48 61 222 44 30


If you run a business and look for a partner to provide you with legal services, please do not hesitate to contact us.


+48 61 222 44 30


ul. Chwaliszewo 72/7
61-104 Poznań