
of your business

About our law firm

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[mk_dropcaps content="H" style="simple-style" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]enclewski & Wyjatek Law Firm was established in 2010. The time which elapsed since then, allowed us to gain experience necessary to conduct our clients affairs. In addition, we have all necessary qualities and features which are particulary important in providing legal services to companies – we are fully available and committed to our clients and their affairs. We are dynamic and capable of continuous tracking changes in business law, we are not afraid to take non-standard actions and we consistently pursue our goals. What is more, we do care.

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We constantly improve our skills both from the practical and theretical standpoint. Currently Henclewski & Wyjatek Law Firm is a team of a dozen lawyers. The key to our continued success is efficient cooperation and respect for our clients – we are aware that each and every case is most important for them. The philosophy of our business is based on knowledge, experience and individual skills of every team member. Notwithsantding, we believe that the most important aspect of cooperation with our client is reliance. That is why we concentrate on this crucial factor which results in trust placed in us by all our clients.

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Our mission as a business client oriented law firm is to support business entities in the ever-changing realities of the law.

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As people performing proffesion of public trust, we feel responsible for fair and just application of the law.

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We are law attorneys of your business. We specialize in providing legal services to companies and representing management in civil matters.

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We feel responsible for the affairs of our clients and their success. Each case which we undertake is as important for us, as for our clients. We believe that trust, honesty and integrity must be the basis of our every action and decision.

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Only cooperation based on mutual trust allows us to build a long-term business relationship with the client, as well as it brings us closer to thorough understanding of our clients needs. Bearing in mind the vital prominence of effective cooperation, we attach great importance to communication between clients and members of our team,

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We believe that through our legal services we help our clients to expand their business and protect them against all possible threats. Every victory of our client allows us to develop ourselves and our Law Firm, which is why we make every effort to do our job as well as we can.

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We are aware that we cannot have knowledge of everything. That is why we focus on providing comprehensive legal services to business entities. Our goal is to be an equal partner for our clients, and understand business realities and specifities of their business activities. This is the main reason why members of our team are constantly improving their qualifications and increasing their knowledge by participating in professional training courses.

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We know that affairs of our clients are the most important for them. For this reason we act quickly and effectively taking bold and courageous decisions. We conduct cases entrusted to us, taking into consideration interest of our clients above all.

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We offer our clients the understanding of legal aspects of business operation, which greatly simplifies communication and grasping the meaning of cases and issues that we are entrusted with. We know how important the availability and ability to respond as soon as possible is and that is why we use the latest and innovative technologies to exchange information.

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Henclewski & Wyjatek Law Firm is a member and partner of organizations working closely with various business entities. Due to this cooperation we are able to obtain knowledge concerning current legal problems of companies.

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If you run a business and look for a partner to provide you with legal services, please do not hesitate to contact us.


+48 61 222 44 30


ul. Chwaliszewo 72/7
61-104 Poznań